What are the benefits of Peganum? What Should We Use It For? -Chappal

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What are the benefits of Peganum? What Should We Use It For?

Üzerlik Otunun Faydaları Nelerdir? Ne İçin Kullanmalıyız?

Peganum , which grows in the Central Anatolia region of our country, is a plant species with hairless leaves and white flowers, belonging to the rue family. The smell of this herb, which can reach a height of 70 cm, is quite sharp. The flowering period of the plant begins in June. Then it goes to seed.

What are the benefits of Peganum? What Should We Use It For?

Peganum , which grows in the Central Anatolia region of our country, is a plant species with hairless leaves and white flowers, belonging to the rue family. The smell of this herb, which can reach a height of 70 cm, is quite sharp. The flowering period of the plant begins in June. Then it goes to seed.

Peganum herb benefits have positive effects on human health. It is a powerful stimulant because it contains an aphrodisiac. Peganum is recommended by experts against psychological disorders based on stress and depression. If consumed in excess, stomach pains and eye disorders may occur. The general form of consumption is in the form of tea. It can be used as incense to leave a pleasant scent in the environment.

It is a known fact that natural and herbal products should be consumed for a healthy life. Peganum herb also contributes greatly to human health when consumed correctly. In ancient times, healers used this plant as a treatment tool. Today, it is among the traditional treatment methods. So , what is the use of the herb ? What are the benefits?

· Provides a general cleansing of the intestines of patients with digestive problems. It is a powerful preventive against the risk of digestive diseases. It especially prevents the formation of intestinal worms. Peganum tea is recommended for those who have difficulty going to the toilet.

· Hormonal tea has positive effects in relieving irritations such as burning and itching in the throat. It ends the damage by softening the throat area. It is beneficial in removing phlegm that is difficult to expel.

·It is an important fighter against bacteria as it has an antiseptic structure. It helps remove bacteria from the body.

·Minimizes the risk of upper respiratory tract diseases. It prevents respiratory tract infections that may occur. Inflammations that occur during the course of the disease can be dried with the help of the peganum plant .

·It has an improving effect on eye health. It dries the inflammation in the eye. When boiled with fennel seeds, it should be applied to the inflamed eyelid.

It is used in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's. It makes the memory stronger. It has a structure that stimulates neurons in order for brain functions to function properly.

·Peganum seeds are recommended for those who have difficulty sleeping. The seeds of the plant have a quality that makes it easier for a person to sleep.

·Effective against stress and depression. It helps eliminate negative mood.

·Forces hormones to take action. Thus, some positive changes occur in people experiencing hormonal deficiencies.

· Pain in various parts of the body can be relieved by using peganum oil . It is frequently used in varicose veins. Positive results are obtained when the seed oil is applied to the scalp as a massage. It strengthens the hair roots and makes the hair grow thicker than before.

·Can be used in eczema-derived skin diseases. It helps the skin regain its former appearance by renewing skin cells.

·It is recommended that women who feel unbearable pain during menstrual period drink Üzerlik tea . It reduces the level of pain and allows the person to menstruate more easily.

·When used in incense form, it emits a pleasant scent. It is known that the aromatic scent emitted by the incense has a calming effect on the person.

According to traditional belief among the people, it provides protection against the evil eye.

How to Make Peganum Tea?

It is possible to consume the geranium plant purchased from herbalists as tea. You can brew it by dropping a pinch of the herb into a cup of hot water. 5 minutes is ideal for brewing time. It can be consumed after reaching sufficient temperature. However, in the meantime, the tea must be separated from the plant and filtered. It is recommended to drink the husk tea open. Consuming two cups of harmal tea a day will be sufficient. Make sure that the plant is fresh. Otherwise, the health benefits may not occur.

What is the Price of Hormonal Tea?

The medicinal plant, which can be found in almost every herbalist, is sold at prices that will not strain the budget too much.