Properties of Calcite Stone - Chappal

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Properties of Calcite Stone

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They are minerals that form stony carbonate rocks known as calcite. The chemical formula of calcite stone is known as CoCA3. Calcite can be found in the form of various crystals. Its physical appearance is colorless and transparent with a glassy shine.

Properties of Calcite Stone

They are minerals that form stony carbonate rocks known as calcite. The chemical formula of calcite stone is known as CoCA3. Calcite can be found in various crystal forms. Its physical appearance is colorless and transparent with a glassy shine. But it can also be found in different colors and translucent. When considered as a stone, calcite consists of crystals formed by the combination of calcium and carbonate. The hardness level of calcite stone according to the Mohs scale is quite low compared to other stones. According to the information in the table, its hardness level is 3 and its current density is 2.6. Calcite can also be found in nature in colors such as blue, orange and green.

Moreover, since it is at a depth close to the earth's surface, it is very easy to extract it. When removing calcite, great care must be taken and it must be removed very carefully. Due to its soft structure, it may be damaged as a result of a wrong move while removing it. Additionally, calcite can be easily damaged and broken if it comes into contact with water. Due to its soft structure, it is not easily preferred in jewelry making. Since it is very common in nature, it is not a very valuable stone financially. However, calcite is a very beautiful stone that is indispensable for collectors and widely used in ornaments. Calcite comes in different types and is named according to its type as follows:

Fluorescence: Emits light as a result of photon excitation.

·Phosphorescence: Unlike fluorescence, it reflects what it absorbs not immediately but after a few hours. Radiation occurs in environments where there is less radiation.

·Thermoluminescence: Glows with heating.

·Triboluminescence: It emits light when it is broken or rubbed or squeezed.

What is Orange Calcite?

Orange Calcite is also known as Honey Calcite. Calcite is a type of calcite that has an orange or even honey-like color. It helps activate the chakra known as the sacral by regulating it. It offers a more comfortable life by clearing blockages. At the same time, it regulates sexual life and supports the treatment of diseases occurring in the reproductive system. It helps the human body work as a whole and in harmony with each other. It is used during the birth process and also facilitates birth.

What is Green Calcite?

Green Calcite, as it got its name, is the green colored type of calcite. Green Calcite especially adds fertility to the soil it is in, making it productive. It is therapeutic and effective against stomach problems. It is also used in the treatment of diseases that occur in the chest as well as the lungs. It is used in bone development and strengthens bones.

History of Calcite Stone

The name calcite first began to be widely used in the 19th century. If you look at its history carefully, it can be seen that it dates back many years to Ancient Greece. The name calcite comes from the Latin word chalx, meaning lime. This is how it forms the crystallized main substance that forms the shells of sea creatures. Calcite is commonly found in the main material of stones such as limestone, marble, stalactites and stalagmites. It is a stone that is transparent, colorless and has prism-like shapes, intertwined with many different and various minerals. Native Americans called the calcite stone the Sacred Stone because they considered it a gift from God. Calcite stone has a very high energy and a cleansing effect, so it can be preferred while meditating. Calcite is purifying thanks to its high energy amount and can cleanse the bad energy of a room or a person filled with negative energy.